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Virginia Woolf

  Learning about Virginia Woolf’s life may have been one of my favorite aspects in this course. I found it so interesting how a woman who had such a happy family life throughout her childhood, ended up becoming suicidal later in life. Virginia Woolf lived with both her parents and her eight siblings. Virginia Woolf was quite close with her parents, and when they died, many believed that was the cause of her deteriorating mental health. In a sense I can understand this. Being an only child, I am also very close to my parents and I have no idea what I would do if I were in Virginia Woolf's shoes. I loved learning how her father encouraged her work and pushed her to begin writing. Though she lived in a more recent time period, I found it inspiring how the men in her life pushed her to pursue her talent as a writer. Even though she was able to write freely, her writing, Room Of One's Own, criticizes how women were forced to write throughout history. Throughout chapter one, she men...

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