Protestant Reformation
Watching this documentary, it brought me back to high school and learning about the Reformation and what a big turning point it was in history. Before this time, the Catholic church reigned over Europe, instilling a fear of God within its followers. Those who followed the Churches demands accordingly were met with a hierarchy, strict rules, and high payments most could not afford. Those who chose not to follow, or rather question, were typically met with death. The Protestant Reformation called for a change, questioning those who abused their power within the Church.
The leading face of the protestant reformation, and the leading face of my own religion, Lutheranism, is Martin Luther. Martin Luther began to question the control of the Catholic Church and decided that he felt as though they stride too far from God’s original vision. The mixture of a dictatorship with Religion did not sit well with him. The history of Martin Luther and his life has always interested me. While he is the face of my own religion, he also is from where my mother was born in Germany. Having dual citizenship with the U.S. and Germany, I have grown up learning both German and American history, as it is a part of my culture.
One of my favorite memories in Germany is from last year. Now being that I am older, history is far more interesting. Last year, my mom and I went on a walk to her village's center church where Martin Luther nailed up his Ninety-FIve Theses. Looking back, I am proud to learn about my culture's history and the effects it has had world-wide.
While it took a long time for the protestant reformation to have a visible effect in Europe, I still find it very interesting learning about how something so close to my heart, changed the world into the way it is today.
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